Sample run of angles.f90.
To avoid typing the same input values over and over, you can put test cases in text files and then use the input redirection capability of unix to feed them into your program.

To test my angles program against the turn-in cases, I created four text files, one for each case. These files are just plain text files that contain the input in the exact same format that my program wants it:

   angles1.txt contains:

   angles2.txt contains:

   angles3.txt contains:

   angles4.txt contains:

Now to run my program for the first turn-in case, all I have to do is

   ./angles <angles1.txt

So here's what the last part of my session log (a.k.a. script file) would look like:

   [~/angles]$ ./angles < angles1.txt
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   + 134D46'28"
   [~/angles]$ ./angles < angles2.txt
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   + 158D20'57"
   [~/angles]$ ./angles < angles3.txt
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   illegal input, missing unit indicator(s)
   [~/angles]$ ./angles < angles4.txt
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   Please enter the first angular measurement, in dddDmm'ss" format:
   + 112D11'48"

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