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UCSC Genome Browser custom track

Displays the UCSC Genome Browser in a page frame, with query results shown as a custom track. Results are split into "chunks" of approximately 100 kb to improve response time (see FAQ), and links to view each chunk are listed in another frame on the left side of the page.

A web browser that supports standards-compliant frames is recommended; if you have trouble with Internet Explorer, try Mozilla.

Ensembl Genome Browser custom track

Displays the Ensembl Genome Browser in a page frame, with query results shown as a custom track. Results are split into "chunks" of approximately 100 kb to improve response time (see FAQ), and links to view each chunk are listed in another frame on the left side of the page.

A web browser that supports standards-compliant frames is recommended; if you have trouble with Internet Explorer, try Mozilla.

UCSC standard BED format

Produces a computer-readable text file in the BED annotation format used by the UCSC Genome Browser.

Ensembl upload file

Produces a computer-readable text file in the upload data format used by Ensembl.

Raw result file

Displays the computer-readable text file in which the query results are currently stored. This will be in one of Galaxy's internal file formats, such as .bed, .xbed, .axt, etc. The "Raw result file" option on the Output Displays page will indicate in parentheses which format it is.